Thursday, November 11, 2021

Semper Fi

When people become exhausted or experience some level of pain, energy required for patiently addressing many situations dwindles and tempers can flare. Sometimes feelings are hurt or dreams and expectations end in heartbreak. Exhaustion can usually be solved with rest, but pain is a major source of energy drain on people; any type of pain may prevent getting the rest needed to restore healthy body functions. Prominent questions for addressing any pain focus on intensity and cause. Rest and relaxation can usually ease pain caused by simple physical stress and physiological pain can be addressed by a physician, while emotional pain is sometimes more difficult to calm since there may be so many intertwined causes and degrees of distress. Spiritual pain has only one solution, Jesus. Human emotions are an extremely powerful part of our existence. Inputs from any of our 5 senses can trigger thoughts and intense emotional responses; our emotions can quickly gain control of further thoughts and subsequent actions. Can the indwelling partner of Christians help in these situations? Yes! He knows every desire, expectation, thought, feeling, and inclination we have. If we turn to Him and ask, He will help us. The Holy Spirit does not prevent us from having certain feelings or emotional responses. He does not prevent us from making poor decisions or judge us – He wants to help us make good decisions. He does protect Christians against Satanic attacks to the degree allowed, we only need to turn to Him and ask. He speaks to us immediately when we admit we need His help, honestly pray to Him and open ourselves to His guidance. If we want to hear His response, we must open the Bible and listen to His words. Reading scripture and focusing on God can soothe anger, start healing bruised emotions, and provide guidance for next steps for any recovery needed. However, it is imperative we believe He will help and ask for His help. His operation is a continuance of the ways Jesus worked while here on earth. USA Marines have a strong bond exemplified by the motto: Semper fidelis, Latin for “always faithful.” A Christian’s bond to God is stronger; the Holy Spirit is always faithful to stand by us, protect and encourage us, as much as we will allow. 

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