Friday, October 18, 2019

Under the Surface

Almost every person you meet is concerned, at some level, about how they look to others. This is an indication of how strongly a person is seeking acceptance, by other people. The answer to this “people,” question guides the decisions a person makes about their presentation, appearance, and speech. Because of this, some people create facades to display what may impress the other person. Actors sometimes call this, "getting into character," as they portray how they understand another person would look, speak, and act. This can be compared to the front of a building, also called a facade, wherein, what is met on the other side of the entrance door may be unlike the expectations created by the front of the building. Christians need to present ourselves in a positive manner, but one that is true to our own person. Further, when we meet someone, we need to look beyond visual appearances and seek to know and accept the person we have met for who they are. Certainly, they are not the person they will later become. We need to understand that due to perceived acceptance, many people may be struggling with small, large, or massive challenges in their everyday life – we need to be considerate. Often, these struggles are relegated to issues “under the surface.” Most people really want to appear as having fewer struggles than they do. We need to realize that no one is perfect or complete; everyone has struggles with problems and imperfections, and they are likely different for each person we meet. We don’t need to agree with their situation, only admit that it exists for that person. As we speak to people, we should learn to “hear what I am not saying.” From this point, we need to seek ways to help and encourage them. When the surface is removed, acceptance and help will provide encouragement for both people. The basis for all these actions is guidance by the Holy Spirit. Paul said, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” – Rom. 8:26-27 (ESV). We need to allow Him to guide us each second of each day.

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