Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Speak to Me

 As a believer, do you desire for God to speak directly to you? Jeremiah also struggled with this and was told, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jer. 29:13 (NIV). One quick answer to this is to say read the Bible and God has just spoken to you. While this is certainly true, your real desire is for God to speak to you in a way you can understand about your specific question. In order for this to occur, you must realize that the communication is likely not to be teaming with praise and accolades toward you. God is perfect, you are not. Communication from Him is meant to help you become more of what He wants you to be, meaning much of what He communicates may be corrective. But that leaves the question how do I understand what He wants me to understand? You might compare this to a recorded conversation with another person. When you replay the recording, you will likely perceive ideas or concepts that you did not when you first heard the words. Sometimes, time and reflection are required for the communication to be understood. This is especially true for the things that God communicates. In order to help overcome this communication difficulty, God has given us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and clarify His desires for our understanding. So how do any of us receive His communication? Every day, God, speaks to the Christian through the Holy Spirit in some way. One challenge for us is that He may speak at different times and different ways to various people. At times He invites us to draw close and listen as He reveals Himself, His character and His direction. Other times He calls us to participate in His purposes. Still other times He my simply whisper, reminding us of His amazing love for us. Hearing from God is one of those topics that can easily stir up confusion and frustration. A critical question to ask is, "How do I know if God is speaking to me?" "How do I discern whether it is His voice speaking or just my own ideas and desires?" "What if I feel God telling me to do something that doesn’t seem logical? A basic truth is, there’s no magic formula for discerning God’s voice. We learn to recognize it the way we recognize voices of those close to us: by knowing Him. And when we know Him, we can tell if what we are thinking or feeling led to do is from Him or not. At only one time, I had a direct communication from the Holy Spirit. It was a dark time in my life, after some life changing events. I was seeking relief and solutions for issues that troubled me. As I was driving and praying "when is this going to change", a voice as if from the passenger seat came into my mind saying, "When it is time." I was so shocked, I pulled to the side of the road to examine the other seat. Was there a voice that caused my eardrums to vibrate or did the thought skip that sense? I am unsure, but the Holy Spirit used the necessary means to cause that information to sear my mind. It is an event that I have not forgotten for 17 years. I treasure that thought and I have been blessed in many wonderful ways in the years since. Communication from the Spirit can be startling and reassuring. When struggling to interpret communication from the Holy Spirit, these questions may help arrive at a clearer answer: 1. Does what I perceive line up with Scripture? God will never speak to us or tell us to do something that’s contrary to His Word. But unless we know Scripture, we will not be able to discern whether or not what we hear is consistent with the Word. We will learn the will of God when we read and pray the Word of God. 2. Is what I perceive consistent with God’s character? God’s Word also provides rich information regarding His character. Just as God always speaks in accordance with His Word, He speaks in accordance with His character. God will not say anything inconsistent with who He is. The longer we know Him and the more we experience Him personally, the more we learn about His character. 3. Is what I perceive confirmed through messages at church or in my quiet times? When God speaks to you about a particular issue, you cannot escape it. Around every corner there’s a sermon or Bible study lesson or speaker’s topic or conversation with a friend that’s consistent with what you’ve been hearing from God in your time alone with Him. When you invest in time spent alone with God, He will speak to you. Listen for His voice, and then look for the message to be confirmed. 4. Is what I perceive beyond me? Sometimes the Holy Spirit may call you to do something big that you can’t do in our own strength -- either it is beyond your ability or beyond your natural human desire. Perhaps this thing can only happen through the Holy Spirit's divine intervention. Don’t look at your inabilities and dwell in insecurities. Look at what God wants. See this call as your opportunity to watch Him work in you and through you. 5. Is what you perceive pleasing to God? Depending on many personal pressures, it is sometimes easy to reject the idea that we have heard something from the Spirit. In these situations, especially if the information is not pleasing to us, we might use any excuse to convince ourselves it is not His voice so we don’t need to act. If what you’re doing pleases God, then even if what you thought you heard from Him wasn’t His voice, you are still pleasing Him. You should always seek to do those things that please God. When these 5 questions align, the Holy Spirit will help you accomplish the task. Please remember, God's word says much about His desires and character; immerse yourself in learning more about Him. The Holy Spirit will provide understanding over time.

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