Saturday, September 25, 2021

Following Jesus

 Many people are fiercely independent. They do not want others telling them what to do, or not do. Basically, they do not trust the directions they are given by some or many others. Such behavior can border on personal pride, but sometimes the person is trying to think ahead and use their experiences to avoid unwanted repercussions. In the end however, everyone follows a level of guidance from someone to achieve a desired goal. As one moves from the physical realm to the spiritual, the first objective to determine is the goal, then determine the pathway to reach that goal. The spiritual realm has many unknowns because much physical experience does not accurately apply to the spiritual realm. The goal seeker usually finds someone whom they believe has adequate information to lead them to the desired goal. For those who seek eternal life with Jehovah God, this goal is heaven or being in the presence of God eternally. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” – Jn. 14:6 (ESV). There is only one pathway to this desired goal and that is for the individual to accept Jesus’ sacrifice to remove their sins - the fault separating them from God. The solution for this separation is the gracious gift available to every person, for their choosing. Each person has different understandings and experiences as they begin a journey toward the heavenly goal. They begin to follow Jesus, or adopt and practice the attitudes and principles Jesus displayed while on earth. This journey can be described as unique to each individual since their talents and abilities to serve God and their personal choices may not mirror anyone else. In a context focused on Jesus’ poor treatment by others and what He would do to remove the sins of others, He stated a challenge to those who were listening. And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.  For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?” - Lk. 9:23-25 (ESV). When a person accepts Jesus as their savior and guide, their sins are forgiven and the same entity that empowered Jesus resides within them. When Jesus left earth, the Holy Spirit continued His spiritual work with people on earth.  The Holy Spirit is another aspect of God and He will act only when the person requests His help; He does not force His desires on any person. In this instruction, “Cross” refers to the individual and personal struggles experienced by each person following Jesus. Those daily struggles need to be resolved by using the principles Jesus prescribed and are usually more easily resolved when the person practices, “deny ourself,” or place Jesus’ principle as more important than their own desires. This could certainly mean sacrificing or placing aside one’s own initial desires. This has the connotation of loving others as much as or more than one loves themselves. When the person asks, the Holy Spirit’s power will be unleashed to assist along the individual spiritual journey in ways that bring honor to God. We honor God when we love and care for others. Most of those who are cautious about following the guidance from other people find great solace when following Jesus’ principles as directed by the Holy Spirit.

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