Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Sometimes men and women look outside their long term relationships for something different. They become tired of a person who has known them so long that much of the mystery is depleted. When they look around for another person who doesn’t know so many of their faults, they can seem like a different person. A difficulty is that when the new person begins to know many of the idiosyncrasies that make a person unique, they may choose to exit the new relationship. Such hopscotch behavior leaves people denying what they need most is a friend who will remain with them regardless of surrounding events and share their life experiences. This is also true for our spiritual lives, we need someone who will never leave and has the ability to encourage us whatever lies ahead. That person is the indwelling Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus's gift, we are given a lifelong commitment of someone who will never leave. We gain stability from such commitments - for eternity.

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