Monday, December 30, 2019


As we study the description of early Christians marshalled by Paul, sometimes called, “Fruits of the Spirit,” we find that each descriptor is only one part of the gift (not gifts) of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22ff). This gift is set in contrast to works of the flesh which some people are doing in a continuous fashion. As elements of the gift of the Holy Spirit continuously unfold in your Christian life, your walk along your own unique personal spiritual journey will perhaps astound and convict others of their need to believe in God and seek His grace for reconciliation with Him. The first element of this gift Paul spoke about is love. This is perhaps the most difficult element to grasp; Paul describes it further in 1Cor. 13:1-13. Love is like a multifaceted gem. As one moves it around, up, down, or in spiral fashion, light reflected from it changes reflections and perhaps intensities on surrounding surfaces. Diamonds are one the usual gems we think about in the sense of durability and permanence. Some people are labeled as a “diamond in the rough.” But, above the Cut, Color, and Clarity which drives Cost, there is also purity. When many diamonds are viewed under high magnification, they have some anomaly that reduces their value - they have a defect; some are redirected to manufacturing uses. This is an excellent example of people. Stated simply, people are different; all people have some defect, and must not be discarded because of this. However, they have various facets of these differences and thus different needs. Showing love to many has a facet of accepting the individual for where they are in their life, with all its baggage. (we might not agree, but we should not reject, and look to their future). There is also the facet of desiring them to follow Jesus and be guided by the Holy Spirit. The baggage may help or hinder their velocity along their path of understanding, acceptance, and sanctification. There may be some who take a break for a period of time before moving forward. These may be times when it seems your prayers are not sufficient for your desires. In these times, you must remember that love does not push a person to the point you want them to be, it walks beside them as they find their own unique individual spiritual journey. Rejoice in those who have begun this journey and let the Holy Spirit guide them according to their unique needs. This was the pathway Jesus followed.

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