Friday, July 27, 2018

The Holy Spirit’s Dwelling Place

Jews in the first century had a belief that God dwelled in the holy of holies at the temple at Jerusalem. They were very protective of this area since they thought God had asked them to defend His dwelling place. In an argument with some Freedmen Jews in Jerusalem and before his death Stephen pointed out that the places to worship God had moved around to different places in the past and now, that “God dwells in heaven, not in temples made with hands.” (Acts 7:48-50). No, God’s presence was not limited to the one temple area. Speaking by the Holy Spirit, Stephen spoke of the ultimate dwelling place of God, within humans. If defaming the earthly temple was an action worthy of death, what of defaming the present dwelling of the Holy Spirit, our bodies? Not so long ago, a group of people set fire to a church and it burned to the ground. Perhaps they were disappointed of angry with God, but god does not live in church buildings. This is appalling. What do we think when some attack the present dwelling of God the Holy Spirit, our bodies? Many Christians don’t have the same shock when it comes to harming the temple of the Holy Spirit--their own bodies. Some distract efficient bodily function with drugs, food, or drink. Another group burden the body with stress and exhaustion. Many people justify these abuses as their right to treat their body as they want. But that is not true. The Corinthians had followed idols which allowed them to act without any control. Now, when they accepted Jesus and received the indwelling Holy Spirit, they needed to understand that what they did to their body was important to God for personal health and their influence on others. “Or do you not know that your body is a [a]temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from [b]God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.” 1 Cor. 6:19-20 (NASB)
P.S. “Here in the world, we can do nothing apart from our physical body. Since it is the only one we’ll have in this life, we should do our best to keep it in good condition. Believers should also recognize their responsibility to treat the earthly body like the sacred and special dwelling place that it is. People cannot reach their full potential while neglecting the proper care of their bodies. What good are education, talent, and gifts if we’re too tired or sick to complete tasks well?” (Phil Ware)

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