Sunday, December 23, 2018


2/25/18  “And even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it, and I will carry you; and I will bear you and I will deliver you”. --Isaiah 46:4
A wise man once said, “Old age sure ain’t for sissies.” From the book of Ecclesiastes, it seems as though King Solomon would agree. He wrote of how the things we take for granted when we are young may cause us to lose delight in living when we’re old. Our eyesight grows dim - we start with reading glasses and then move to bifocals. Our hearing grows weak. We’re constantly saying “Huh?” to our spouses. We have time to sleep late, but we wake up early. Our hands start to tremble. Our desire for sex diminishes. Old age isn’t for sissies. We work hard to develop talents and abilities, but they disappear over time, even with practice. Our bodies just don’t work like they used to. Aches and pains are a daily reality, and morning stiffness is our companion every day as we get out of bed. Some parts of life can all be very depressing, and without God life can become meaningless. But with God, an older person can discover different things to occupy their time and challenge their minds. If they allow it, the indwelling Holy Spirit will encourage them each day. They can have the opportunity to help others in different ways. As one grows closer to the end of their physical life, there is wisdom, strength, joy, and the hope that when the body finally gives out, Spirit inspired physical life changes into the life God intended - in heaven with God.

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