Wednesday, November 21, 2018

News and Truth

News and truth aren’t always one and the same. While news is usually about the physical world around us, truth allows us a way to decipher what news we hear. Some recoil from the concepts of decipher and interpret what we experience. However, a small exercise can enlighten our understanding. Consider two people from very different backgrounds who experience the same event, perhaps a car accident or a tornado. When they talk about the experience, each will describe it slightly differently. Neither is attempting to mislead others in the discussion, their backgrounds cause them to remember different elements of the event. Police recognize this human quality and will interview many eyewitnesses in their investigation. Similarly, when two different people are shown a photograph, they will describe what they see in different ways. In order to gain truth, one must be able to set the action within its proper context. If the photo shows a man snatching a small child off the street, context might reveal he is a kidnapper, but it might also reveal he was snatching the child out of danger. Previous life experiences will guide our interpretation of events unfolding around us. We must realize this and always strive to seek the truth of our present experience. The news might say, "Child snatched from sidewalk." The truth might  be "Child snatched away from danger." This struggle is revealed in so many parts of daily life. The ultimate truth is that the Holy Spirit is always near by the Christian and will help them walk through the event and the ultimate truth revealed. 

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